Sunday, October 21, 2012

Heavy weight

Gym time! Today I hit the gym and I really wanted to make it heavy!
I made hard circuit training which took me about 70 minutes, preceded by 15 minutes warm up.

High energy!!!


* squat on smith machine 3x10 20 kg
* lunge with dumbell 2x12 3 kg, 1x12 8kg
* leg press 3x10 60kg
* cat muscle press 3x20 60kg


* bench press with dumbell 3x10 10kg
* cable standing fly 1x12 2,5kg 2x12 3,75kg


* chins on easy power station 3x12 35kg
* seated row 1x12 15kg 2x12 20kg
* loweback hyperextensions 3x12 5 kg


* dead lift  3x10 17,5kg


* biceps curls 3x12 6kg
* triceps extensions 3x12 7,5kg
* dips on easy power station 3x12
* dumbell front raise 3x12 4kg


* crunches 3x20 5kg
* plank  1x60 sek
* plank to side 2x45 sek
* obliques hyperextensions 2x12

18 exercises and 'M DONE!

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