Monday, January 7, 2013


Fitness has it's trends and tendencies. After big boom for zumba, there is a new era in fitness - crossfit era (at least it is already in USA;) 

And what is crossfit?

It is a combination of funcional exercises performed in subsequent stations
example of functional exercises
Functional exercises are those moves which you are using in your daily routine (like lifing something from the ground, putting someting on a shelf etc.) The difference is you are using more weight to do these moves. 
That means that by training crossfit you are gaining not only strenght, muscles and burning fat, you are improving your daily efficiency also.

Each crossfit has it's WOD - Working of the day.

This is an example of one of WOD's named "Cindy"

You have to do 8 rounds of:
*  5 pull-ups
* 10 push ups
* 15 jumping squats
In shortest possible time.

Oh yes, crossfit isn't easy but - what does not challenge you, won't change you! ;)

That's an example of little lighter crossfit-inspired training:

And some funny truth about squats:

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