Tuesday, April 16, 2013

(Not so) strong will power

photo by: Michniewicz Foto

You start the day good, with healthy breakfast. 
It is getting harder at job/university when you have to resist eating that delicious piece cake with your morning coffee. Everyone else it doing that, but you don't. You're strong and you won't eat crap. 
After clean lunch there is another temptation waiting the form of sort of chocolates staring at you from your working desk (why the hell people are trying to sabotage your efforts by giving you chocolates as a reward? you're thinking). 
After another mental fight, you resist eating them and you're proud of it. You even managed to do a decent workout after work! 
So your day is pretty amazing so far, you love yourself, you feel so in control of your life, your health and your food. 
But unexpectedly your spouse had a little worst day than yours. Just on the doormat you guys starting an argue and your mood is quickly destroyed. You binge the rest of the day eating everything you wanted to eat during day. You go to bed full, angry at yourself and with overwhelming feeling that you are weak and your strong will is just a term from dictionary, nothing you can be familiar with in a real life... 

Seems familiar? 

So is this really you who are week and without strong will? The answer is simple: NO! 
You have to keep in mind that willpower is limited. Once you used in once or twice during day, you can not expect that it will last until the evening. Of course, there are some of use, who can do that. But we are only humans and lots of different situations happened to us which we can''t be prepared for. 

So what to do then? You have the ability to shape your environment and adapt to changing circumstances in order to be on track with your fitness goals
* if you are a chocoholic, do not store chocolate/sweets at your home. It will only sabotage your efforts. Do not let it only to your strong will to resist temptation of eating. If you want to eat a chocolate, buy that one which is already packed in portions, that you will ensure eating only desired amount. 
* always try to find healthier alternative for your desired food: lasagna fan? try light one, cheeseburger  try salmon version, brownie addict? try protein brownie, snickers lover? choose protein bar instead
* if possible, always choose cooking at home rather than eating out, even if you are choosing 'healthier' dishes from menu, preparation process will be always worst that one you've had at home, full of fat and salt 
* have some healthy snack (almonds, apple, protein bar) with you in situations when you are hungry or food which were served is not maybe the best option to eat
* prepare food in lunchboxes - you will be sure that you eat right portions and even if you are devilish hungry, you will avoid double eating
* always have something to eat after your workouts (protein shake with rice cakes, banana) don't let yourself starve after gym session, you will eat everything from your fridge once you got back home 
* if you have a cheat meal, enjoy it and do not feel guilty about having it - you planned it ahead, so why punish yourself about doing that?
* if you're tired after just 20 minutes of training, especially if you're doing cardio - go for group training, with other people in group and instructor looking at you it will be harder to quit before an hour end

* find a training buddy or just make an official commitment - once any other know about your plans, it will be harder to let them go
* always try to see from the broaden perspective - sure, it is easy to say, especially when you already feel like a crap, but answer yourself a question - if this one failure made your all 3 month program fail or it is just a slipping which can be improve in the future?
* last and not least - don't be so harsh for yourself - fitness should be about feeling good in and about your body and mind, as long as you will treat 'diet' and 'training plan' as unpleasant necessity, don't wish about having rewarding results

Enjoy the process, not only dream about the finish line - it is the best way to enjoy each day of your fitness experience :)

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