Having trouble with your diet? Or you know what to eat but still
have problems with loosing weight? The problem might be the fact that
you eat too much and with bad timing. Simple solution? Write it down!
Start a food journal where you will write everything what you eat.
As I wrote some notes ago - work with the basic. If you want to
put your diet on another level, make sure that you know exactly what
and when you are eating.
This simple solution can give you the bunch of information what you are really consuming.
You might think that it is not necessary to write everything down,
that you are in the control of it. Yeah, but if this would be 100%, you
wouldn't have problems with loosing weight.
Try it for at least 7 days. Write when&what you eat and even
satisfaction level after this particular meal. Make it a week
challenge, then check your results.
This might help you in both ways - firstly, it will be easier to
calculate how much are you really consuming per day and how are your bad
habits (eating too late, skipping breakfast, weekend splurges etc.) and secondly, the fact that you will have to right it down each thing you
eat, might help you with giving up some unreasonable snacks. By writing satisfaction level, think about emotions while eating. Were you hungry or
rather sad or tired? In so many situations the fact at we are eating
isn't actually connected with body needs, just with your emotions.
Make sure that you write down also what you drink. Many
calories comes from your drinks. And even those drinks which has no
calories, can make you feel hungry!
Use a notebook or mobile phone, something that you have always with
you. And write it just after eating each meal, don't wait at the end of
a day to do that. There can be found plenty of apps and webpages which can provide you such a journal like '
calorie counter' but I prefer more old school way with notebook ;)
'Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom' ~Jack Lalanne